Lágrima Face Adornment

Lágrima Face Adornment

from $39.00

Tutto Passa (Everything passes) is a collection that symbolizes the individual journey to find oneself. A series of pieces that embody the process of healing through self-love and love from others.

Lágrimas: the symbol of sadness.

-Hand carved from wax; cast in recycled metals

-Sold as a single piece

-This item is made to order, please allow 2-4 weeks for shipment

-Made in New York

How to wear:

Dab Spirit Gum directly to clean dry skin with brush or fingers directly. Secure piece to the area, press and smooth to ensure adhesion. Skin must be dry, no makeup. I recommend to carry the glue with you in case a second application is needed. Avoid sweating.

Spirit gum: https://www.mehron.com/spirit-gum/

Jewelry Care:

To brighten oxidized silver or brass jewelry use a polishing cloth with a cleaning product. Do not use jewelry cleaner on plated items. For more info please refer to our jewelry care section: click here

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